Stemax system server settings features

In order to connect TRASSIR to Stemax system server you need Stemax-Trassir-client, which can be downloaded at Then do the following:

  1. Unzip the application archive on a PC used for launching the application.

    Paradox-Trassir-client can run at any PC with Windows OS being in the same local network with TRASSIR servers and Paradox system control panels.

  2. In the configuration file connection.ini specify client connection parameters to Stemax system server and TRASSIR server.

     #Stemax-Trassir client utility ini file
    	#Connection settings to Stemax server:
    	host			localhost
    	port 			5000
    	login			admin
    	password		admin
    	#Local settings:
    	local_port		5050
    	#- this port should be specified at Trassir when connects to Stemax


    • host - IP-address or DNS-name of PC where Stemax system server has been started.
    • port - Stemax system server port (is set in the server).
    • login and password - user name and password which will be used to connect client to Stemax system server (are set in server).
    • local_port is the port via which TRASSIR will connect to "Stemax Trassir Client" service. Same value shall be specified in the system connection settings.

  3. Install "Stemax Trassir Client" service to your PC. To do this run stemax-trassir-client-vc120.exe.


    The user should have administrator's rights.

  4. To enable automatic startup of the service, change Startup type in its settings.

Proceed to TRASSIR connection settings to Stemax system Client.


Any number of TRASSIR servers can be connected to a single PC with "Stemax Trassir Client".