Video monitor

The main interface elements are:

  1. Menu - A set of buttons for controlling the video monitor interface:

    Table 83. 

    switching the video monitor to the TRASSIR Cloud incident management mode and back.


    This mode is available only in TRASSIR-client app.

    Switches the video monitor back and forth from the Archive Mode mode.

    Shows/hides the event log.

    Shows/hides the object tree.

    Extension Panel. Opens the map, screenshot manager, the ActivePOS expert mode or executes a user function (activates a rule or script).

    switching the video monitor to the connected modules operation mode (i.e. Access Control reports).

    Template editor.

    Shows/hides the channel list.

  2. Template menu – The set of saved templates.
  3. Channel list – The area which is used to monitor the state of cameras (and groups of cameras) and, if required, to display video from a particular camera on the entire screen.
  4. Main output area – The area which is used for video surveillance directly. It is organized using the template editor.