
The Users page lets you connect new users to your account and assign device access rights to them.

With the help of the top menu links on the Users page you can:

  • Add user - create a new user. During a new user creation it should be taken into account that his username will be used as login and displayed in the list of users.
  • New folder - create a new folder.
  • Edit - change all cloud user parameters, except for his name, and configure user access rights.
  • Move to... - move a user into a new group.
  • Delete - delete a user or users folder. When a folder is deleted, all contained users will be moved into the Root folder.


If the added user is not registered in TRASSIR Cloud yet, he will receive the registration invitation.

You can create a single user base in your personal cabinet, which can used for authorization on any device, connected to TRASSIR Cloud. After that you won't need to configure user rights on any TRASSIR client or server, after the change in the user rights configuration in the cloud they will be applied automatically to all devices.

How does it work? We'll consider several user accounts as an example.

You've created a personal cabinet and named the account , connected several cameras and added corresponding services. Let's make some cameras shared. To do this, add and user accounts and assign the following rights to them:

  • can view video and listen to audio from the 1st camera
  • can view video and archive and listen to audio from the 2nd camera

Thus, when and connect to their accounts, they will see their camera, as well as those connected to But only will be able to change the access rights to his cameras.

Thus you can create a cloud device access system of any complexity. For example:

  • devices connected to a single personal cabinet

  • devices connected to several personal cabinets


Read about user right configuration in User right management in TRASSIR Cloud.