General form of a request

Depending on the task, you can work with the SDK by: indicating an SDK password, explicitly indicating the username and password of an arbitrary user in each request, or by using a session.

If the request includes only a password and not a username, the system will treat the request as being made using the SDK password with the rights of the Script user; if the username is indicated, the request will be made with the rights of the corresponding user. To avoid passing your credentials with every request, you can use a session. However, many commands require a session.

General form of a request that uses the SDK password:


General form of a request that uses the username and password of an arbitrary user:


General form of a request that uses a session:


Key elements of the request:

  • server_address - the IPV4 IP address of the TRASSIR server, or its NetBios name, for example:, or videoserver;
  • port - the TRASSIR server port for connecting to the SDK, for example: 8080;
  • command - the actual request that needs to be executed, for example: health;
  • user - the username under which the operation will be executed, for example: Admin;
  • password - the user's password, for example: 987654321;
  • session_id - the ID for the obtained session, for example: e03qD0eg;


Note that the request must begin with https:// (the HTTPS protocol is used).

Examples of requests:  

In the examples of requests given above, data is transmitted to the server using the GET method. You can also use the POST method. Below is an example of a simple HTML form that illustrates this approach:

                <form action="" method="POST">
                <label for="password">Enter SDK password:</label>
                <input id="password" type="password" name="password">
                <input type="submit" value="Send">

All of the examples that follow use the GET method in connection with a session.