Encrypting an archive


Improper use of the archive encryption feature may result in the permanent loss of an archive. We recommend that you contact our technical support before using this TRASSIR feature.

By default, TRASSIR does not use archive encryption. In other words, an archive stored on one server may be freely transferred and viewed on a different server.

To enable archive encryption, click Set Write Password.

The portion of the archive saved before encryption was enabled will be stored in unencrypted form. The entire portion of the archive recorded after the password is set will be encrypted. Moreover, archive encryption in no way affects the current operation of the server, i.e. all archive operations will be available just as before encryption was enabled.

If an encrypted archive is transferred to a different server, all archive operations for that archive, including viewing, exporting, etc., will be unavailable. For example, if a hard disk with an archive is stolen, the thief will not be able to view it without the archive's encryption password.


You will also have access to all archive operations when connecting over a network to a server with archive encryption enabled.

To access a previously encrypted archive, click Set Read Password.

In other words, this password will be used only to decrypt the archive that was used to encrypt it.


If you previously enabled archive encryption and want to change the password, you can set the Move current write password to read password checkbox. In this case, the archive encrypted with the old password will become unavailable. To access it, you must enter the prior read password.

Use the Forget button if you need to disable archive encryption. If you do this, the entire encrypted archive will become unavailable and the new archive will be saved in unencrypted form. To access a previously saved encrypted archive, enter the read password or re-enable archive encryption using the same password.