Personal incidents and detectors creation

TRASSIR allows to create unrestricted number of the types of incidents and detectors to detect them. In order to create incident press Create new incident type button or select Create new incident type... item in the context menu. Enter Name and Description of incident in the opened window.

All created incidents can be grouped into the folders. In order to do this drag and drop them to available folders or create new folders clicking Create new folder item in the context menu.

In order to edit detector parameters open incident, click twice on detector or click View description in the context menu. You can modify incident detection in the opened window.

If necessary you can create you on set of incidents and detectors to detect them. In order to do this, open incident and click twice on Create new detector... item.

For example, we need to trace sales when "Gift handling out" and "sale with discount card" are present in the receipt.

In order to do this, we will use Events filter detector from Other incidents folder. We will specify the events which are required as parameters: Adding gift to receipt and Discount card sale and check Examine for all events entry box.


It makes sense to use checking Process all archive events box only for the events appearing within one receipt.

In case the box is not checked, it means that detector will activate in case occurrence of any event selected in Filter by events field.

Activate the detector.

Now if a cashier will register discount card sales and hand out gift to the client, we will see it in the incident report (see section ActivePOS incidents in "Operator's Manual").