IP-video intercom

TRASSIR can combine your video surveillance system and IP-video home entry system into a unified complex.

The list of available TRASSIR features depends on module which is determined by license.

Table 73. 

Feature TRASSIR Video Intercom TRASSIR Intercom TRASSIR Intercom Concierge
Video record from IP-videophone entry system +    
Video/audio data synchronization from control panels and videosurveillance system devices + +  
Call recording and the archive maintenance + +  
Search for video/audio connection in the archive by the subscriber's number, date and time, call duration, outgoing, incoming and missed calls + +  
IP-videophone device status monitoring + +  
Full scale SipPhone in TRASSIR interface     +
Keeping the call log     +

All of that is possible due to the to dial exchange IP integration to TRASSIR Asterisk.


TRASSIR software works with Asterisk 11.13.1 version and FreePBX 12.0.33 version

Upgrade Asterisk software in case you use earlier versions.

See below module settings procedure. The module operation principles are described in "Operator's Guide" (SIP phone operation).