Head Tracker

Head Tracker module is a light version of the Queue detector and is designed to define the number of people crossing the preset border line on the camera image in one or other way.

To ensure the stable operation of the module the survey coverage and the camera installation location should meet the following requirements.

  1. Select the camera installation location properly

    Table 77. 

    Requirements CORRECT INCORRECT
    The camera should be installed above the people passage point.

    No camera tilt is allowed.

    The camera lens should be directed vertically down. In this case the image of the camera will run parallel to the floor.

    The object size on the image should be 5% at least and 25% at most of the entire frame.

    The range of the width of the camera image should be from 600px to 700px.

  2. Check the lighting conditions

    Table 78. 

    Requirements CORRECT INCORRECT
    The survey area should be moderately lightened. Insufficient or excessive lighting of the survey area negates the effectiveness of the module.
    Prevent any sharp alterations of the lighting conditions. The survey area must not have any specular surfaces. Hard shadows of moving objects interfere with the module operation.

  3. Disturbances in the survey coverage

    Table 79. 

    Requirements CORRECT INCORRECT
    Static background without any moving objects (moving stairways or moving walkways) ensure the stable operation of the module.
    Constantly opening doors and other objects showing in the survey area decrease the module efficiency.