Configuring a server to work with the TRASSIR SDK

In order to enable the ability contact a TRASSIR server through the SDK, put a checkmark in the Trassir SDK checkbox.

Depending on the functionality that you're going to use, check the following flags: Object tree, Call methods, Events, POS events, AutoTRASSIR events, Read settings, Screenshots, PTZ. You can use the item links for quick performance check of one or another feature, as well as a hint to command syntax. If you wish to get video from the server or play the archive, check the following flags: FLV, JPEG, MJPEG.

Enter random password into the SDK password field. This password will be used to get sessions or send commands while working via SDK password. You can also change the Port which will be used for server connection. The default value is 8080.

The Enable login from mobile/web flag should be checked in the user settings, which will be used for SDK. The rights to use the required functionality should be set, as well. When working via SDK password you should configure the required rights for the Script service user.


Read more about user right settings in administrator guidance.