
Persons is a database that contains information about people. TRASSIR allows you to create any structure of Persons database, consisting of folders and persons.

Persons database is used in operation of the following TRASSIR devices and modules:

  • When personal videorecorders are used, the Persons database is needed to identify the person who received or returned the personal videorecorder and the video he filmed.
  • For the face recognition module, anthropometric data is stored in the database to compare faces, recognized from the video, and the persons from the database. Select Show faces DB in the filter and only persons with entered anthropometric data will remain in the database.

Folders creation

To create a folder click Add folder button and fill in:

  • Folder - folder name
  • Color - folder color. When creating a folder of the 2nd level and above, the color will be the same as the 1st level folder.
  • Parent - parent folder.

Persons creation

To create person, click Add person button and do following:

  • Click Add photo and choose photo of the person.

    If the person will be used for comparison in the Face Tracker/Recognizer module, click Add face to face DB button. In this case, the person will be added to the Face Database and marked with the corresponding icon.


    Be careful, the size of the Faces database is determined by the license.

    Photos used for recognition should comply with the recommendations described in the Recommendations for photos used for recognition section.

  • Enter person's name in Name field.
  • Select Birthdate.
  • Select Gender.
  • Enter Remark and Contact info.
  • Select Folder where person will be located.