Changing the connection settings

In order to change server connection settings, selected it the list on the Network tab of the settings tree.

On this tab you can change connection settings such as: the server's IP address, the ports used, and the credentials for signing in.

TRASSIR lets you organize video gateways and control servers over network connections nested up to three levels. The maximum nesting depth is determined by the value of the Recursion level. In other words, you can connect to a TRASSIR server through an intermediate server rather than connecting directly. Recursion level - 1 means that a connection will be made only the server to which you are directly connecting. Recursion level - 2 means that a connection will be made to the server to which you are connecting as well as all servers to which it is connected.

Economy mode - A special connection mode that reduces network traffic. In this mode, the server transmits the minimum amount of information, including service information.

Disallow main video stream - Blocks reception of the mainstream from all channels. When viewing a camera's feed the substream will always be displayed, regardless of other TRASSIR settings; and if there is no substream – the number of frames displayed per second will drop to between one and two.

The table displays real-time statistics for the server connection. It includes information about the number of frames per second, the bit rate, and the volume of data transmitted for each channel individually as well as collectively for the server.

To disconnect from the server, simply clear the Enable connection checkbox. If the server connection is no longer required, you can delete it with the corresponding button.

If a large number of servers are connected to your server, you can only select and display one server in the settings tree. Select All servers to display the settings for all connected servers.