Specific features of assigning multiple roles to a user

There are two ways of assigning a role to a user:

  1. Select user on the Users tab and assign one or several roles to him.
  2. Select a role on the Roles tab and assign it to one or several users.

Both ways lead to assigning several roles to a user. The settings of the roles unite on the below described principle.

Union of roles in "Interface limits" settings group:

  • If a restriction is allowed in one of the assigned roles (the flag is checked) it means this option of the interface is allowed to the user.
  • If a restriction is forbidden in all assigned to the user roles (the flag is unchecked), it means this option of the interface is disabled for the user.

Union of roles on "Objects" tab

Table 174. 

A role Another role Result of union of roles
Feature is not assigned
Feature is allowed
Feature is allowed
Any value Feature is not allowed

Union of roles on the "Incidents" tab:

Table 175. 

A role Another role Result of union of roles
Notifications disabled
Notifications enabled
Notifications enabled
Any value Notifications disabled

Union of roles on the "Schedule" tab:

  • All assigned roles are active according to the selected schedule. For example:

    Table 176. 

    Role 1 Role 2 Result of union of roles
    • from 00:30 till 03:00 - Role 1 is active
    • from 03:00 till 03:30 - Role 1 and Role 2 are active
    • from 03:30 till 06:30 - Role 2 is active

  • The time period for which the access is granted is equal to the maximum value set in all assigned roles in Enable schedule field.

  • The end time of the role, set in the Grant temporary access until is defined for each assigned role particularly.