
TRASSIR lets you organize video surveillance using a two-dimensional graphical map on which you can arrange video cameras and other objects (for example, access control devices). You can create several maps in TRASSIR. Each map could represent a floor of a building or a group of rooms.

Adding a map in TRASSIR includes the following stages:

  1. Creating a map. In the first stage, you give a name to the map and load its underlying structure (an image file with a floor plan).
  2. Adding cameras. After creating a map, the range cameras on it (and, if necessary, other objects such as access control devices). Arranging the objects upon the floor plan facilitates easier comprehension, and when an event occurs (for example, motion), it makes it possible to know precisely where in the building it happened.
  3. Adding teleports. A teleport is a named object on a map that can be used to switch to a different map. If you have several maps, then you can put teleports on each of them to switch between the maps.
  4. Adding floor to the map. Floor is an object on the map required for the module operation Neuro detectorwhich will display people on the map.