Description of IP device settings

Request to get the settings:



    "name" : "ip_cameras",
    "type" : "IpCamerasFolder",
    "subdirs" : [
    "values" : [

Table 137. 

subdirs Description TRASSIR
ip_camera_add Connection of a new IP device ≥3.1
[camera_GUID] Connected device GUID ≥3.1

Retrieve a value (R):


Table 138. 

values Description Type   TRASSIR
grabber_delete Request for device removal string W ≥3.1
hw_analytics_available   integer R ≥4.1
more_channels_licensed Total amount of licenses for adding IP devices integer R ≥3.1
sw_dewarp_available Device supports software dewarp integer R ≥4.0

Request to get the settings:



    "name" : "ip_camera_add",
    "type" : "GrabberAddStep1",
    "subdirs" : [
    "values" : [

Table 139. 

subdirs Description TRASSIR
[manufacturer_name] IP device manufacturer name ≥3.1
File Connected video files settings ≥3.1
ONVIF ONVIF IP devices settings ≥3.1
RTSP Settings of IP devices, connected via RTSP protocol ≥3.1
MJPEG Settings for IP devices connected via RTSP and streamed in MJPEG format ≥3.1

Retrieve a value (R):


Table 140. 

values Description Type   TRASSIR
families List of all IP device manufacturers, supported by TRASSIR string R ≥3.1

Request to get the settings:



    "name" : "ActiveCam",
    "type" : "GrabberAddStep2",
    "subdirs" : [

    "values" : [


Retrieve a value (R):


Table 141. 

values Description Type   TRASSIR
allocated_guid   string R ≥3.1
autodetect_result Autodetection result string RW ≥3.2
autodetect_status Autodetection status string RW ≥3.2
available_models List of ID device models, found online and available for adding string R ≥3.1
create_address Set IP address string W ≥3.1
create_defaults Add device with default settings string W ≥4.0
create_disabled Add and shut down device integer RW ≥4.0
create_economy_mode Add device and set the Economy mode flag. integer RW ≥3.1
create_model Add a particular model of device string RW ≥3.1
create_now Create connection integer RW ≥3.1
create_password Set password string W ≥3.1
create_port Set port integer W ≥3.1
create_username Set username string R ≥3.1
discovery_result Search result string R ≥3.1
discovery_start Start search integer RW ≥3.1

Device supports online detection:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer R ≥3.1
discovery_update_result   integer RW ≥3.1

Economy mode on the device:

0 -disabled, 1 - enabled

integer R ≥3.2
initial_password Default password string R ≥3.1
initial_port Default port integer R ≥3.1
initial_username Default username string R ≥3.1
license_allocation_error   string RW ≥4.0
license_allocation_state   string RW ≥4.0
load_dll   integer W ≥3.1
load_dll_error   string R ≥3.1
model_detect_start Start model search integer R ≥3.1
model_detect_stop Stop model search integer R ≥3.1

Request to get the settings:



    "name" : "AOig495k",
    "type" : "Grabber",
    "subdirs" : [

    "values" : [

Retrieve a value (R):


Table 142. 

values Description Type   TRASSIR
autodetect   string R ≥3.2
channel[XX]_audio_bitrate Audio bitrate integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_audio_codec Audio codec string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_audio_default Default audio settings integer RW ≥3.2
channel[XX]_audio_default Sound on integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_audio_sample_rate Sampling frequency string RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_bright_default Default brightness integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_brightness Brightness integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_bz_setup   string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_camera_matrix   string RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_codec Video codec string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_color Color integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_compression Compression integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_contrast Contrast integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_deinterlace   integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_distortion_coeff   string RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_distortion_model   string RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_ext_audio_bitrate   integer RW ≥3.1

Substream sound is on:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_ext_color Substream color integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_ext_compression Substream compression integer RW ≥3.1

Channel substream is on:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_ext_fps Substream FPS integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_ext_gop Substream GOP integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_ext_resolution Substream resolution string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_ext_video_bitrate Substream video bitrate string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_ext_video_bitrate_restriction   integer RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_ext_video_bitrate_type Substream bitrate type integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_extcal_points   integer RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_fps FPS integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_gop GOP integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_guid Channel ID on device string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_hue   integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_interval_capture_msec   integer RW ≥4.0

Channel main stream is on:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_mapping_rvec   integer RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_mapping_tvec   integer RW ≥4.0

Channel motion detector is enabled:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_md_setup Motion detector settings string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_mds_setup   string RW ≥3.2
channel[XX]_mic_gain   integer RW ≥3.2
channel[XX]_mic_volume   integer RW ≥3.2
channel[XX]_output_mic_volume   integer RW ≥3.2
channel[XX]_record_mode_hardware   integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_resolution Resolution string RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_roi_setup ROI Settings string RW ≥3.2
channel[XX]_saturation   integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_sd_enable   integer RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_sd_sample_mult   integer RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_sd_threshold   integer RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_video_bitrate   integer RW ≥3.1
channel[XX]_video_bitrate_restriction   integer RW ≥4.0
channel[XX]_video_bitrate_type   integer RW ≥3.1

The IP device is enabled:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer R ≥3.1
channels_hardware_dewarp Hardware image dewarp integer R ≥3.1
connection_ip The IP address of the connected device string RW ≥3.1
connection_password User password string W ≥3.1
connection_port The device's connection port integer RW ≥3.1
connection_username The username string RW ≥3.1

Added manually:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer R ≥4.1

Economy mode is on:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
economy_mode_heart_beat_seconds Maximum time in seconds that TRASSIR will wait for a response from an IP device integer RW ≥3.1
economy_mode_use_md   integer RW ≥3.1
extra_flags   integer RW ≥3.2
family The IP device's manufacturer string R ≥3.1
firmware_file_path Device firmware path string RW ≥4.0
folder   string RW ≥3.1
force_software_dewarp   integer RW ≥4.0

Enable the IP device:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
grabber_private_data   string R ≥4.0
gui_parameters   string RW ≥4.0


-1 - are not supported, 0 - are missing, 1 - operate properly

integer R ≥3.1
hw_analytics_licensed_channels   integer RW ≥4.0

The IP device's icon:

:/settings/grabber.png - Device is enabled

:/settings/grabber-disabled.png - Device is disabled

string R ≥3.1
iframe_md   integer RW ≥3.2

Use input:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
input[YY]_folder   string RW ≥3.1
input[YY]_guid Input ID string RW ≥3.1
input[YY]_name Input name string RW ≥3.1

Normal state:

0 - unlocked 1 - locked

integer RW ≥3.1
license_mode   string RW ≥4.1
model The IP device's model string R ≥3.1

Disable "Model mismatch" mistake in IP device settings

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥4.0
name The name of the IP device string RW ≥3.1

Use output:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
output[ZZ]_folder   string RW ≥3.1
output[ZZ]_guid Output ID string RW ≥3.1
output[ZZ]_name Output name string RW ≥3.1

On system start:

0 - disabled on start, 1 - enabled on start 2 - save state

integer RW ≥3.1

Associated PTZ channel:

0 - do not use

integer RW ≥3.1

Reload IP device:

1 - yes

integer W ≥3.1

Setting enabled:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥4.1
setup_password   integer W ≥4.0

Software image dewarp is enabled on the device channel:

0 - no, 1 - yes

integer RW ≥4.0

Synchronize time on IP device:

1 - yes

integer RW ≥3.1
tube_version   integer R ≥4.0
utc_offset_minutes   string RW ≥4.0
video_buffer_size   integer RW ≥3.1
web_page A link to the IP device's web interface string R ≥3.1


  • [XX] is the serial number of the channel being configured (from 00 to 15), depending on the model of the compression card;
  • [YY] is the serial number of the input being configured (from 00 to 15), depending on the model of the compression card;
  • [ZZ] is the serial number of the output being configured (from 00 to 15), depending on the model of the compression card.